Generating random alphanumeric characters in php
Posted on Friday, 17 August 2012
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Random alphanumeric characters may be used in many parts of a script such as renaming an uploaded file or creating a user registration validation mailing system.
In this script, all you need to do is to just specify the length of the alphanumeric characters and they'll be generated.
I wanted to use this script in my image upload system which could rename the image uploaded by user. But before chasing the Internet, I thought to create my own script. So I started programming this script. And here's the result what I programmed:
There's an array of small and capital alphabets and then the arrays are instantiated with random indexes and some random numbers in between.
I'll update this post when I get a perfect way of doing so.
If you have any questions or modifications in the script or any other technique, please share in comments.
In this script, all you need to do is to just specify the length of the alphanumeric characters and they'll be generated.
I wanted to use this script in my image upload system which could rename the image uploaded by user. But before chasing the Internet, I thought to create my own script. So I started programming this script. And here's the result what I programmed:
<?php function random_name(){ $CapAlphas = array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"); $smallAlphas = array("z", "y", "x", "w", "v", "u", "t", "s", "r", "q", "p", "o", "n", "m", "l", "k", "j", "i", "h", "g", "f", "e", "d", "c", "b", "a"); $thestring = $CapAlphas[rand(0, 26)]; $thestring .= $smallAlphas[rand(0, 26)]; $thestring .= rand(0, 9); $thestring .= $CapAlphas[rand(0, 26)]; $thestring .= $smallAlphas[rand(0, 26)]; $thestring .= $CapAlphas[rand(0, 26)]; $thestring .= $smallAlphas[rand(0, 26)]; $thestring .= $smallAlphas[rand(0, 26)]; $thestring .= rand(0, 9); $thestring .= rand(0, 9); $thestring .= $smallAlphas[rand(0, 26)]; $thestring .= $CapAlphas[rand(0, 26)]; $thestring .= rand(0, 9); $thestring .= $smallAlphas[rand(0, 26)]; $thestring .= $CapAlphas[rand(0, 26)]; return $thestring; }//end function random_name() echo random_name(); ?>Yes, I know this script is very long and works on a complicated logic.
There's an array of small and capital alphabets and then the arrays are instantiated with random indexes and some random numbers in between.
I'll update this post when I get a perfect way of doing so.
If you have any questions or modifications in the script or any other technique, please share in comments.